"The photo of Cazuela, a chilean dish"
Mabel Fatokun

Chile: 10 ‘Little-Known’ Sizzling Foods For Tourists, You Will Want To Try Number 8


Capital:  Santiago
Population:  19,764,771
Land: 743,532 km2


Chile, a country known for its stunning landscapes and rich cultural heritage, also boasts a vibrant culinary scene. With influences from Spanish, Indigenous Mapuche, and Mediterranean cuisines, Chilean food is a delightful fusion of flavours. Their cuisines have developed into one of the most intriguing culinary landscapes on the continent by incorporating elements of its mixed culture of indigenous, Hispanic, and European influences.

The 4,270 km (2,653 mi) of coastline in Chile provides an abundance of seafood, and native flavours like maqui berries and cacho de cabra (goat horn) chillies are used to create a wide variety of unique dishes that highlight the flavours of each region. However, some classics are loved throughout the entire country. These are only some of the greatest dishes and beverages you must sample in Chile!

Here are 10 must-try dishes that will tantalize your taste buds:

1. Empanadas


Empanadas are a staple in Chilean cuisine, similar to their Spanish counterparts. These savory pastries are typically filled with ground beef, chicken, seafood, or cheese. They are often served with a side of pebre, a spicy tomato-based sauce.

2. Sopaipillas

Sopaipillas are fried dough pastries that are typically served with a sweet Chilean honey called chancaca. They are often enjoyed as a snack or dessert. Sopaipillas, a traditional street dish in Chile, are little discs of Andean pumpkin fried in hot oil after being floured. You can add ketchup, mustard, or pebre, the Chilean take on pico de gallo, to finish it off for approximately 200 Chilean pesos (about 30 cents USD). In the winter, they can also be soaked in sweet syrup to make “sopaipillas pasadas,” which can be enjoyed as dessert or as a delicious breakfast dish!

3. Pastel de Choclo

Pastel de choclo is a Chilean corn pie that is made with a savory corn filling and topped with a sweet corn crust. It’s a hearty and flavorful dish that is perfect for a cold day. Since corn is a staple of the Chilean diet, it stands to reason that one of their most well-known and well-liked foods is corn pie! Like English ‘corn pudding’, this dish is made by grinding corn into a paste, adding spices and baking it in a clay bowl with beef, poultry, hard-boiled egg pieces, onions and black olives inside. The outcome is a warm, homemade meal that is perfect for chilly winter evenings.

4. Curanto

Curanto is a traditional Chilean dish that is typically cooked in a hole in the ground. It is made with a variety of seafood, including clams, mussels, and salmon, as well as potatoes, yams, and sausages.

This delicacy, which originated in the southern region of the country in the Chiloe archipelago, is prepared similarly to a classic clambake. A hole is filled with hot stones heated over a fire, followed by clams, mussels, sausage, chicken, potatoes, milcao (a potato patty), and vegetables. The entire mixture is covered with large nalca leaves and baked for a number of hours. After the food is cooked through, the leaves are taken off and everyone may savour this delectable smorgasbord of a dish called Chilote!

5. Porotos Granados

Porotos granados is a Chilean bean stew that is made with white beans, pumpkin, and corn. It is a hearty and comforting dish that is perfect for a cold day.

6. Ceviche

Ceviche is a Chilean seafood dish that is made with fresh fish or shellfish that is marinated in lime juice and chili peppers. It is often served with a side of avocado and sweet potato.

7. Completo

Completo is a Chilean hot dog that is topped with a variety of condiments, including ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, sauerkraut, and avocado. It is a popular street food that is enjoyed by locals and tourists alike.

8. Cazuela

Cazuela is a Chilean stew that is made with a variety of meats and vegetables. It is a hearty and flavourful dish that is perfect for a cold day. It is similar to the chicken noodle soup of the United States; caldo verde is a staple dish in Chile that is prepared differently by each individual. Although a variety of meats, including seafood, can be used to make cazuela, the most popular types are beef or chicken.

A simmering broth is seasoned with your choice of meat, chunks of potatoes, carrots, and other vegetables. Once the meat is done, everyone can customise their own portion by selecting their favourite vegetables and meat. Although it is available all year round, cazuela is particularly well-liked in the autumn and winter.

9. Alfajores

Alfajores are Chilean cookies that are made with two shortbread cookies that are filled with dulce de leche and then coated in coconut or chocolate. They are a sweet and indulgent treat.

10. Pisco Sour

Pisco Sour is a Chilean cocktail that is made with pisco (a Peruvian brandy), lime juice, sugar, and egg white. It is a refreshing and tangy drink that is perfect for a hot day.

These are just a few of the many delicious Chilean dishes that you can try. With its diverse culinary influences, Chile offers a unique and flavorful dining experience.


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