The Spencer Foundation funds educational research projects with the goal of advancing education through its Large Research Grants programme. Since this project is “field-initiated,” requests for a particular study topic, discipline, design, or methodology are not being addressed by the submission of proposals. Their goal for this project is to support rigorous, technically sound, intellectually stimulating, and relevant research that tackles the most significant problems and potential futures in education. Their goal is to support research that yields new, fundamental insights that have the potential to shape educational discourse for a very long period.
As part of this project, scholars from various academic and methodological backgrounds are encouraged to submit proposals, both locally and globally, at different stages of their careers. They anticipate a wide range of topics and disciplines, including education, history, economics, anthropology, philosophy, psychology, sociology, law, and neuroscience, that imaginatively explore basic questions in education.

Funding Specifics
Large research grants should have budgets between $125,000 and $500,000, with an extra 15% for indirect expenses. They anticipate funding concepts at the following three funding tiers: $125,000 to $250,000, $250,001 to $375,000, and $375,001 to $500,000. Their funding allocations will be distributed among these three tiers. When making their project budgets, they advise candidates to consider this thoroughly and not only aim for the highest budget category. Project durations are limited to five years.
Regarding Funding Tiers: They understand that candidates are often encouraged to apply for the largest grant levels and amounts. However, Spencer would prefer that funding for their substantial grant programme align with the project’s concept. Lower tier concepts have a higher probability of being financed; historically, tier one applications have been the most competitive. They counsel researchers to carefully consider how much funding would be appropriate for their project and strategy.
Academic research projects with an emphasis on education are required for the Research Grants on Education programme; other activities are not eligible. Graduate students may not be designated as Principal Investigators or Co-PIs; instead, these individuals must hold a doctorate or have prior experience doing education research. The principal investigator (PI) needs to be associated with a non-profit organisation or public/governmental establishment, including research facilities, colleges, or universities, that has received an IRS 501(c)(3) determination.
Both domestic and foreign proposals are welcome, but they must be funded in US dollars and written in English. A PI or Co-PI may only have one current grant open at any given moment. One study proposal, including one in the Small Grants Programme, Large Grants Programme, Racial Equity study Grants Programme, and Research-Practice Partnership Programme, may only be submitted by PIs and Co-PIs at a time.
Check it out before deadline, Spencer Foundation.