Mabel Fatokun

‘Spice Island Of The Caribbeans’: Grenada Beckons Tourists


Capital:  Saint George’s
Population:  117,207
Land: 340 km2


Grenada, the “Spice Island” of the Caribbean, beckons travellers with its pristine beaches, lush rainforests, and vibrant culture. But beneath its laid-back charm lies a rich tapestry of history woven into its many captivating monuments. Grenada’s historical landmarks offer a captivating glimpse into the island’s fascinating journey from imposing forts guarding the coastline to colonial-era estates and poignant reminders of its tumultuous past.

Fort George: A Sentinel Standing Guard Over St. George’s

Fort George is a formidable presence in the picturesque capital city of St. George’s. Constructed in the late 18th century by the British, this star-shaped fort was a key defensive point, guarding the vital harbour from potential invaders. As you wander through the ramparts, imagine the roar of cannons echoing across the turquoise waters. Explore the well-preserved officers’ mess and soldiers’ quarters, offering a glimpse into military life on the island. Don’t miss the breathtaking panoramic views of St. George’s and the sparkling Caribbean Sea – a quintessential Grenada photo opportunity.

Fort Frederick: A Journey Through Grenada’s Military History

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Venture further north along the scenic coastline to Fort Frederick, another imposing British-built fort dating back to the 18th century. Unlike Fort George, Fort Frederick boasts a more complete and well-preserved state. Explore the network of tunnels, ammunition stores, and gun emplacements, remnants of a bygone era. The Grenada National Museum, housed within the fort’s walls, showcases fascinating exhibits that unravel the island’s rich history, from pre-Columbian settlements to the struggle for independence.

La Morne Rouge: A Poignant Memorial

Atop a lush green hill overlooking St. George’s lies La Morne Rouge, a poignant memorial dedicated to the fallen soldiers of the 1983 US-led invasion of Grenada. Sobering sculptures and engraved plaques pay tribute to those who lost their lives in the conflict. La Morne Rouge is a powerful reminder of the island’s turbulent past and the importance of peaceful resolution.

St. George’s Anglican Church: A Beacon of Faith and History

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Nestled in the heart of St. George’s, the St. George’s Anglican Church stands as a testament to the island’s colonial heritage. Built in the early 19th century, the church boasts beautiful Georgian architecture, with stained-glass windows depicting biblical scenes. Step inside and admire the ornately carved mahogany pews and the impressive stone baptismal font. The church grounds offer a tranquil haven amidst the bustling capital city.

The Grenada National Museum: Unveiling the Island’s Story

Located within the walls of Fort Frederick, the Grenada National Museum is a treasure trove of historical artefacts and exhibits. Immerse yourself in Grenada’s fascinating journey, from the arrival of the first indigenous people, the Caribs, to the colonial era and the struggle for independence. Admire pre-Columbian pottery shards, colonial-era furniture, and captivating photographs that chronicle Grenada’s evolution.

River Antoine Rum Distillery: A Sensory Journey Through Grenada’s Liquid Gold

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For a unique blend of history and indulgence, head to the River Antoine Rum Distillery, nestled amidst verdant rainforest in the northern parish of St. Patrick’s. This historic distillery, operational since 1785, is one of the oldest in the Caribbean and produces the world-renowned River Antoine Rum. Embark on a guided tour, witnessing the traditional rum production methods, from molasses fermentation to distillation in copper pot stills. Culminate your experience with a rum tasting, savouring every sip’s distinct flavours and rich heritage.

Actual Blue Estate: Stepping Back in Time on a Plantation

Venture to the True Blue Estate on Grenada’s southwest coast and be transported back to the era of grand plantation houses. This beautifully restored 18th-century estate offers a glimpse into the island’s colonial past, particularly the sugar and cocoa industries. Explore the meticulously maintained great house adorned with period furniture and artefacts that tell the story of plantation life. Stroll through the lush gardens bursting with tropical flora and fauna, remnants of the once-bustling plantation grounds.

Levern National Park: A Hike Through Grenada’s Volcanic Past

Grenada’s volcanic origins are evident in the stunning Levern National Park. Lace up your hiking boots and embark on a scenic trail through lush rainforest, eventually reaching the summit of an extinct volcano. At the crater rim, be rewarded with breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding landscape, encompassing verdant valleys, cascading waterfalls, and the sparkling Caribbean Sea.


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