Nobody has ever survived on an island in the Indian Ocean due to its extreme dangers.
One of the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal is North Sentinel Island. It is roughly 4.3 miles broad and five miles long. It has no natural harbour and is encircled by coral reefs. The majority of it is covered with jungle, save from the shore. Travel has been forbidden, and none of the people who have set foot on the island have survived to tell the story. It is hazardous because of the native people that reside there, not because of poisons or untamed animals.
The Sentinelese are an uncontacted indigenous group that lives in deliberate solitude. Their numbers are mostly unknown, with estimates ranging from 80 to 150 in 2011.

We are aware that they construct small, narrow outrigger canoes, which they paddle through the calm, relatively shallow waters of the reef using long poles. The Sentinelese fish and gather crabs from those canoes. They are hunters and gatherers who most likely subsist on fruits and tubers that grow wild on the island, eggs from seagulls or turtles, and small game like birds or wild pigs if their way of life is similar to that of kindred Andamanese peoples. They carry knives, spears, and bows and arrows; intruders have learnt to appreciate their proficiency with all of the aforementioned weapons. The Sentinelese most likely locate iron tips on many of those tools and weapons washed up on the coast, which they may then bend to fit their needs.
They have used force to defend their island ever since the 1800s. Whether on purpose or by mistake, they have attacked vessels that get too closely on several occasions. They assault boats and aircraft with arrows, sometimes causing fatalities and serious injuries. They killed two drifting fisherman in 2006, and in 2018, they killed an American Christian missionary who had paid local fishermen to bring him to the island so he could convert the tribe. This was the third unlawful attempt at contact.
The islanders are thought to have constructed outrigger boats that they manoeuvre with long poles for fishing, and they live in groupings of lean-to shelters.

They probably survive on wild fruits and tubers, eggs from seagulls or turtles, and small game like wild pigs or birds if they are similar to the Andamanese people on a nearby island.
They make net baskets, carry bows and arrows along with knives and spears, and boats in the area have heard them chanting.
Despite a tsunami caused by an earthquake in 2004, the Sentinelese appeared to have survived. When the Indian authorities later flew over to see how the islanders were doing, they were met with spears and arrows hurled at the helicopter.
In an effort to shield the surviving tribe from diseases from “mainland,” to which they have not been exposed and so have no immunity, the Indian government has banned visitation to the island.
The Indian Navy keeps an eye on the area to keep tourists away, but they don’t bother the islanders or take legal action against them when they kill anyone who attempt to get ashore.
The Sentinelese weave mesh baskets with wooden adzes that have iron tips. Salvage workers stationed on the island in the mid-1990s reported hearing people sing and seeing bonfires on the beach at night. But nobody outside of North Sentinel Island actually knows what the Sentinelese call themselves these days, let alone how to introduce themselves or ask them about their view of the world and their place in it. It is customary for anthropologists to address individuals by the name they use for themselves.
They have made it apparent that they don’t really care about company, especially in the absence of a common tongue.